October Training

The 10k in Inverness went well. 43:46 I was very pleased with. The training run the day before was awful so I think I was annoyed with myself which helped.

 This week should see me finishing off the bike and getting back into a proper training regime after a couple of weeks of adventure races, riding in Spain and work trips which were all good but kind of interrupted the flow of regular training. I reckon I’m still doing the right stuff but I start to worry when I’m not in a training routine.

The next event is the Edinburgh “Survival of the Fittest” in about 10 days time. Apparently this is a 10k run through the centre of Edinburgh with obstacles along the way. Alison had a couple of glasses of wine one evening and while checking her e-mails on my computer accidentally entered us in the event. Hey ho.

 I also need to sort out the final procurement of bits and pieces for Dakar. I was going to have a helmet painted up with the Saltire but can’t really afford it so have decided against that. I’ll post the total kit list at some point so everyone can see what I think you need to take to the Dakar (and hopefully someone will point out the obvious omissions).

Have Fun

The First Post

Charlie Mackenzie (webmaster of www.scottishenduros.co.uk) has been doing a fantastic job in setting me up this web-site. This is me trying out the blog feature for the first time so hopefully it works.

In training for the Dakar, I’ve had a number of firsts this year. I’ve done my first triathlons and my first adventure race (the Wan Day 8 hour race in the Pentlands outside Edinburgh – highly recommended for those who like getting muddy). This weekend sees me entered in my first competitive running event – the River Ness 10k in Inverness.

 The Landrover is loaded up with running gear (and mountain bikes and walking gear and swimming gear – Alison likes to be prepared for any breaks in the weather) and we’re off to Inverness after work today. If there’s anything left of me after the weekend the next post will update as to how I get on.

 Have Fun – Paul